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Family Law







At various stages in life one may encounter personal problems within the family. This could result in couples separating, disagreements over arrangements for contact with children and argument over financial matters. It is important to try to resolve such disputes without delay, with minimum acrimony, and with any child(ren)’s welfare being of paramount consideration.

Family disputes can raise complex legal issues and if not dealt with properly and quickly, you could find yourself going through a very worrying and stressful time, with no certainty of when it will end and with what result.

We at Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP are committed primarily to adopting a constructive and non-confrontational approach in family matters. We can advise you on a range of personal and family issues, including:

Divorce, Dissolution of a civil partnership, Separation and other Relationship Breakdown

Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial agreements


Financial settlements following a separation, dissolution or divorce (known as Ancillary Relief) for yourself and the children

Property disputes

Domestic violence (including injunctions where you are threatened with, or are the victim of, domestic violence)

Children’s issues (such as residence and contact disputes between parents, and grandparents rights)



We set out below our best estimate of fees to assist you on various matters at competitive rates.  We are here to help so please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your circumstances.

Petitioner Divorce/ Dissolution of a civil partnership, Separation (if uncontested) - from £750 + vat + Court fees
Petitioner Divorce, Dissolution of a civil partnership, Separation (if contested) - from £1,750 + vat + disbursements
Respondent Divorce, Dissolution of a civil partnership, Separation (if uncontested) - from £500 + vat
Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial agreements - from £2,500 + VAT
Cohabitation agreements - from £1,500 + vat
Financial settlements following a separation, dissolution or divorce (known as Financial Remedies) for yourself and the children (if by consent) - from £3,500 + vat + disbursements
Domestic violence (including injunctions where you are threatened with, or are the victim of, domestic violence) - from £1,750 + vat + disbursements
Children’s issues (such as residence and contact disputes between parents, and grandparents rights) - from £3,500 + vat + disbursements


Family law covers a wide range of legal issues and we have provided further information regarding various, discrete issues. Please note that our information sheets are for general guidance only and you should not rely upon them without seeking our advice regarding your specific circumstances.

For legal advice relating to family law issues, please contact Shobha Naik on 020 7700 0265 or email her at

(updated 12.05.23)

Related pages and guidance notes:

Cohabitation and Relationship breakdown - Breaking up and your finances when you divorce or separate
Divorce, Dissolution & Separation - Relationship breakdown
Applications for Financial Orders - Financial arrangements on the breakdown of a relationship
Children - Contact and residence orders for children in divorce proceedings and relationship breakdown

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Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority No: 00670328. We are solicitors based in Holloway Road, North London (N19) specialising in Crime, Conveyancing, Family Law, Housing Law, Litigation, Wills & Probate.

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Cohabitation and Relationship breakdown - Breaking up and your finances when you divorce or separate

Divorce, Dissolution & Separation - Relationship breakdown

Applications for Financial Orders - Financial arrangements on the breakdown of a relationship

Children - Contact and residence orders for children in divorce proceedings and relationship breakdown