Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP� legal fees, costs, free legal advice, legal aid and public funding Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP� legal fees, costs, free legal advice, legal aid and public funding Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP� legal fees, costs, free legal advice, legal aid and public funding Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP� legal fees, costs, free legal advice, legal aid and public funding

Our fees

We endeavour to provide you with a costs estimate as accurately and as early as practicable and will inform you at the outset of the hourly rate of the fee earner handling your case. There are rules governing the fees solicitors can charge and in accordance with those rules we take into account factors such as the complexity of the work, its urgency, its value and the time spent on it. For certain types of work, such as property conveyancing, we charge a fixed fee whereas for other types of work, such as litigation, we calculate fees on the basis of the time spent on the matter. Our bills include information about the work we have carried out on your behalf and how the charges have arisen. From time to time administrative work which would normally be done by a fee earner may be carried out by a secretary/legal administrator if this will reduce the costs payable by you.

We accept payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer and all major credit and debit cards.

Non-contentious work

For non-contentious work (generally, non-court cases) it is usually possible for us to quote, at the time we are given instructions, an overall charge for the work. This is particularly the case for property conveyancing, for which estimates can be obtained from this website, and also from our Conveyancing Fees Calculator which you will find here. Such estimates are subject to variation in the event of unforeseeable complexities or an abortive transaction. If that is the case we will notify you and our charge will normally be based on the time we have spent on your case.

Contentious work

For contentious work (generally, court cases) we charge on the basis of time spent on the matter. We try to give an estimate at an early stage but much depends on the attitude of the opposing party and unforeseeable delays; e.g. unexpected work we are required to do as a result of court orders or the opponent's response; and court delays. The costs estimate will be reviewed periodically and we will notify you if there is likely to be a material change. You should check whether you have legal expenses insurance and, in some circumstances, we may be willing to act on a conditional fee basis.

Contentious family matters can become very expensive, and our approach here at Percy Short & Cuthbert is to negotiate and resolve  matters amicably as much as possibe to reduce legal costs.  You will find an estmate of various contentious and non-contentious fees here.


Our current hourly rates (exclusive of VAT) are between £210 - £235 for Shobha Naik and Syeda Hussain. The rates (exclusive of VAT) for other Solicitors are between £175 - £210 as advised at the outset.  The rates (exclusive of VAT) for Paralegals are £110 - £160; for Trainee Solicitors it is £175 (eclusive of VAT); and £70 (exclusive of VAT) for Legal administrators. For complex matters our hourly rates may be higher and we will inform you if that is the case. Rates are subject to change without notice and are reviewed annually.  You will be notified if there is any change. Standard telephone calls and letters out are charged at 1/10 of the hourly rate. Long telephone calls and letters are charged on the basis of the time spent on them. We  charge for letters and emails received at 1/10 of the hourly rate, unless they are lengthy in which case we charge for the time spent considering them and any enclosures.


Disbursements are payments we make on your behalf to third parties therefore as well as our fees you may have to reimburse us for any expenses we incur in dealing with your case. Generally disbursements include payments such as barrister’s fees, court fees, stamp duty and the Land Registry's fees. We aim to inform you at the outset of your case what disbursements are likely to arise and to provide best estimates of those disbursements. Usually we ask clients to provide a payment on account of disbursements, before those expenses are incurred.

Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax (VAT), at the current rate, is also payable. We add it to our fees and it may be included in the disbursements.

Public funding, Fixed fee interviews and Free initial interviews

We act for privately paying clients and do not undertake publicly funded work. We are prepared to discuss funding options and payment plans based on each individual case. We also offer up to 30 minutes advice for a fixed fee from £50 plus VAT. We also offer free initial interviews under the “Lawyers for Business" scheme.


For work charged on a fixed fee basis, details of our charges are available on this website. This includes our fees for property conveyancing, making a Lasting Power of Attorney and drafting wills. If you cannot find the information you need, or if you wish to discuss our fees, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Percy Short & Cuthbert LLP are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority No: 00670328. We are solicitors based in Holloway Road, North London (N19) specialising in Crime, Conveyancing, Family Law, Housing Law, Litigation, Wills & Probate.

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